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The Series of Ancient Chinese Paintings




Jointly compiled and published by Zhejiang University and the Cultural Heritage Bureau of Zhejiang Province, the Series of Ancient Chinese Paintings is the first large national publishing project focusing on traditional Chinese paintings on paper and silk from the pre-Qin period to the Qing Dynasty after comprehensive and systematic investigation, arrangement and verification across the globe.

In order to ensure the authority and representativeness of all the collected works and academic compilation, the editorial committee hires experts and scholars of universities and museums from home and abroad to appreciate and evaluate every single painting, thus building an ideal platform for not only Chinese painting art of all ages but the researches on the whole ancient Chinese culture.

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《宋画全集》已收录 78 家文博机构(其中海外 48 家)834 件作品,其中海外作品 392 件,是迄今最权威、最完整的宋画编纂集成。

《元画全集》已收录 93 家文博机构(其中海外 64 家)605 件作品,其中海外作品 276 件,是迄今中国首部最全面反映元代绘画精神的权威典籍。

《宋画全集》(6 卷 23 册)、《元画全集》(5 卷 16 册),被认为是迄今为止最完整、最权威的宋元两代绘画总汇,集鉴赏性、学术性、收藏性于一体,并陆续被联合国教科文组织、大英图书馆等海外多家重要机构收藏。

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A Collection of Song Dynasty Paintings have collected 834 works from 78 museums and cultural institutions, including 392 overseas works from 48 overseas museums and cultural institutions. It is the most authoritative and complete collection of Song Dynasty paintings to date.

A Collection of Yuan Dynasty Paintings have collected 605 works from 93 museums and cultural institutions, including 276 overseas works from 64 overseas museums and cultural institutions. It is the first authoritative book that fully embodies the spirits of Yuan Dynasty painting to date. 


A Collection of Song Dynasty Paintings (23 volumes in 6 parts) and A Collection of Yuan Dynasty Paintings (16 volumes in 5 volumes) are regarded as the most complete and authoritative collections of the painting works of Song and Yuan Dynasties. A combination of high appreciation value, academic value and collection value, the two are collected by many important institutions such as UNESCO and the British Library.


《中国历代绘画大系》所展示的中国古代绘画精品,除国内收藏外,还分藏于美国、加拿大、俄罗斯、英国、法国、德国、日本、印度等国,其编纂出版工作得到了海内外 250 余家文博机构的大力支持。《宋画全集》、《元画全集》出版后,获得了海内外专家与读者的高度赞同。目前,海外有 120 余家高等院校及文化机构收藏了《宋画全集》,是我国与世界各国文明交流互鉴的体现。

The Series of Ancient Chinese Paintings presents excellent products of Chinese ancient paintings, some of which are stored domestically, while others are stored in America, Canada, Russia, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, India and other countries. Its compiling and publishing work has got support from over 250 cultural organizations. The publishing of A Collection of Song Dynasty Paintings and A Collection of Yuan Dynasty Paintings has been greatly praised by domestic and overseas experts and readers. At present, more than 120 foreign colleges and cultural organizations have collected The Collection of Song Dynasty Paintings, which is a good reflection of interactive communication between China and other counties.

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